I understand the "hakuna matata" vibe that occurs on vacation, but unwanted exposure to bodily fluids is unacceptable. Notice I said unwanted. lol Moving on, if someone threw pee on you at your desk at work today, would that be okay? NO. So, really, an additive dye is not a bad idea if there is such a thing. We got our exercise getting out to go to the restrooms so frequently, but that's called civilization. The TTR staff did an excellent job maintaining the restrooms in early June.
Lysol and Clorox wet wipes are a must..probiotics are not a bad idea before, during and after your trip and limit your uncooked food consumption..ie fruits and salads. Great way to get sick and not just in Mexico. Think about it...how many people wash the outside of a watermelon or other melons...that bacteria is NOW inside the fruit once its been cut. I don't even buy sliced fruits at the grocery store. This is a public service announcement from your Local CCC Chef. Of course you can always drink more vodka and cross your fingers.
I'm a long time competitive swimmer. Everyone peed in the pool unless they wanted to be lazy to skip part of practice. Pools are generally disgusting anyway, but that's why where's chlorine. Urine in the pool may seem gross, but there's lots of sweat and spit in there as well. Unless your immune system is destroyed, it's not going to hurt you.
The last 2 May's, there was a large guy who sat in the corner of the swim up bar who never left the pool for 7 days! YIKES!
We were judt discussing this the other day....take a look at the pool when everyone gets out of it....u can see tan oil and yellow coloring throughout the water....it makes a pretty color
Funny story........I have a cracked callous on my right heel.......went to the Dr today........she prescribed a Urea Cream........or.........said I could get hubs to pee on it twice a day......seriously..... Don't knock pee! LOL!
hmmmmm you will see me get out of the water and go to the restroom many times, I don't pee in the pool and it is a great way to show off my bathing suit bottoms! (you can hardly see them underwater!) the mrs.:flash: