It's a scientifically known fact that boobs are so awesome that they repel all germs and bacteria immediately. It's like having Chuck Norris and Jean Claude Van Damme fighting side by side.
YOu miss something !! Since the shower are double !! We are really confortable with each other !! At the begin, we wasn'T really confortable to go in the shower together LOL.. Now it's happen like at least 1 by month.. ( he don't like taking shower... Lol ). I can't stand tooo long in shower I don't feel good after We are together since 2 years now, and live together since 2 years less 2 weeks ( took 2 weeks ). We are always together.. But what's nice is we are almost the same type of person.. Except he don't like Veggies LOL ! Ok .. Shoppping time Talk to you soon
I'm afraid it's likely that everyone pees in the pool, other than the decent people of clean mind and body posting on this thread. I, of course, have never relieved myself anywhere other than a properly sanctioned washroom facility. Well, there was that one time out the window on the highway - late for a tee time; the odd bar parking lot (in my younger days), hazy recollection of an empty beer bottle related practical joke in high school; but a swimming pool? Disgusting. We love Temptation, but if you're a germaphobe, pack accordingly (lots of sanitizer, bubba keg, I don't know - bed sheets? etc.)
The place I stayed at in Puerto Rico actually used ocean water recycled in the pool so peeing near one of the intake grates was fine
I am sure that some people does pee in the pool, but honestly, I think thats just a few (and disgusting few that is). But when you think about it, where do all the sweat from pool aerobics goes? Where does all the dirt on the concrete goes after a rainfall? What about birds dropping?.... disgusting things in the pool are countless. But even then, that wont stop me from doing body shots! At some point, all that becomes so diluted that I will not miss the chance to clean up nice boobies covered with AWC!
I'm thinking that I could have a lot of fun at the pool bar with a squirt bottle of cherry flavored MIO in my swim trunks pocket. Little squirt and yell OH SHIT IT'S TRUE as the water changes color.:icon_redface::aktion014: :aetsch004: