That's the reason that I will never play beer pong in the pool. The balls go into pool and than into the cup. Than you drink the beer. Can you say YUCK!!!!!!
I never thought about that! Thanks for the heads up. I always try to remember to keep my lid on my drink and my drink well above the splash zone.
Last October when we were at TTR during the evening at PatyO's I sat down in one of the chairs and sat in someone's pee. Apparently according to what we heard there was someone who got so drunk they wet all over themselves (I ask, how drunk do you have to be to do this???) and unfortunately for me in the chair they were sitting in. Let's just say walking back to the room with someone else's pee running down my legs was DISGUSTING!!! I would much rather deal with pee in a pool full of water and chlorine than what I had to deal with at PatyO's. - Melissa
OMG - you poor thing and YES that is sooooo disgusting!! I'm all about the party mentality but this is taking it a tad too far - like WOW know your limit people ... YUK!! Hope your room wasn't too far from PatyO's girl!!
We Don't pee in the water Sooo discusting. We go to the restroom and go take a drink after So 2 for 1 !! Since I keep myself hygienics. When I Get out the pool I go Directly to SHOWER with Ben usually He wash me and I wash him .. After go again in the shower and go out for dinner
Best plan. Did the same but we never showered together used to all the time in begin of relationship. I think I need to bring some attention to the issue. Besides its conserving water as long as you don't stay in too long shagging then cleaning again.