Ha that would be awesome. Although that pool would be dark blue. To be clear incase it wasn't, I don't pee in the pool.
Besides the Sports (skinny dipping) Pool and the Sexy Pool there is another that they call the quiet pool, it's over by a resturant. I finally went in it with some others this last trip but I was too loud and woke some of our party up that was napping. Don't drink the pool water or eat the urinal mints.
All I can say is nasty! Never thought of it while partying but now that it is brought up you definitely see people drink a case of beer and never get out of the water.
That is crazy! No one ever pees in the pool. I constantly get out to go potty ( a have a squirrel's bladder) and put on a show of leaving the warm pool to a cool breeze. Your welcome! LOL. Christy
Yeah...we had a Jacuzzi room in the corner and I can't tell you how many johnsons I seen while the guys were using our bushes for a toilet. At one point, I popped my head out the sliding door and asked them if I needed to tip them for the show.
Generally speaking I think people are good about that - there's a constant flow of folks through the loos all afternoon. I do think though by the end of the day taht the pool is about half margarita and half wet pussy shots.
the reality pee is the least of your worries. take your Cipro and morning after pill prior to entering.... lol