Added gangster burlesque for sept 10 as requested. Let me know if I need to add anything or change anything Sept 1 - Sunday - pirates and wenches Sept 2 - Monday - 911 rescue night Sept 3 - Tuesday - white dress shirt nigh Sept 4 - Wednesday – school girl/ kilt night Sept 5 - Thursday - TTR lingerie Night Sept 6 - Friday - TTR White Night/ glow/ 80's night Sept 7 - Saturday - TTR Red night/ red rave night sept 8 - Sunday – Sept 9 - Monday - Masquerade ????? Sept 10 - Tuesday - gangster burlesque night Sept 11 - Wednesday – Sept 12 -Thursday - TTR lingerie Night Sept 13 - Friday - TTR White Night / glow Sept 14 - Saturday - TTR Red night Sept 15 - Sunday – 911 rescue night Sept 16 - Monday - Mardi gras/ body paint night/ masks Sept 17 - Tuesday – superhero night sept 18 - Wednesday - naughty school girl/ kilt night Sept 19 - Thursday - TTR lingerie Night Sept 20 - Friday - TTR White Night Sept 21 - Saturday - TTR Red night Sept 22 - Sunday Sept 23 - Monday-Naughty school girl???? Sept 24 - Tuesday Sept 25 - Wednesday- Sept 26 - Thursday - TTR Lingerie Night Sept 27 - Friday - TTR White Night Sept 28- Saturday -ttr red night Sept 29- Sunday Sept 30- Monday
Is there any way to get a running tab on how many are going to participate in each night? I know we aren't going to participate in EVERY night, too much to buy and too much to pack. Right now I think we are definitely doing white/glow, red, mardi gras, and superhero. Trying to talk the wife into 911 rescue or school girl night as well, but I might not get both! And unfortunately, the her brother and sister in law are coming with so I doubt we do lingerie night ;(
When I 1st started the thread I messaged people that were going to be there same nights as us and they all seemed interested. The white and red night are easy. Mardi gras is easy too. Just bring beads and women consider wearing a shirt and bottoms instead of a whole piece dress. That way you have option to show a lil something for exchanging beads I def plan to do super hero and school girl and 911. Sean isn't participating much tho. I got him to agree to some scrubs on 911 night.
I imagine the list of who will participate in what is going to be changing up until departure. We haven't decided yet. We are most likely doing the school girl and 911. Maybe more depending on what we have time to put together.