Are you away from the evacuation areas? I've been lucky too and am able to stay home. Our office is reopening on Monday; although, I am not sure how they expect people to make it in....I would rather go to Mexico right NOW!!! Unfortunately, I'd not even be able to get to the airport without drowning apparently!
Glad to here you are safe and not floating away Bamber! The company I work for head office is flooded! And our dams are over full now! They are now doing controlled spills throughout the spill gates to keep the level at a controlled level!
I am nice and high and dry Amber......and it looks like I have a few extra days off this week which will help me prepare for the Stampede BBQ on July 13! I hope to see you here. Ren, I'm doing a controlled flood of my own......Hendricks & tonic on a regular basis! :ernaehrung005: Anyone here for Stampede (and YES...the show will go on) make plans to attend the BBQ at my house on July 13th. PM me for details or check on the Temptation Chatter thread. C
miss you.... glad everyones ok up there xx have any have you booked yet for chaos crewe dates... craig xx missed you all madly last year xx see you soon Amber..:beer4: wish I could come to the barbie
I've unfortunately got plans on the 13th. It's my best friend's 33rd birthday so she's having a party in Ramsay. I'd be a terrible friend to blow her off. I haven't booked my trip yet Sue but looking around November 25ish. Trying to convince Richard H to come down from Edmonton and book with me so we can ditch the single supplement since we have opposite schedules - he's up all night and I'm up bright and early.
We are officially booked! Nov 28 to Dec 12. Cool thing too, our flight back departs at 7pm, so we get a full day at the pool, unlike previous trips where we had to leave for the airport before the pool games even started. Now the waiting game really gets going! :icon_neutral: Time to hit the gym and get those theme costumes together!
What time are you guys hitting the airport? When I book the flight should be coming in around 1 pm local time.
Flight is supposed to land at 2pm, but through experience it's usually a bit later, then with immigration/baggage claim it's usually around 4pm by the time we're even close to the resort. How's the queues at Cancun airport on Thanksgiving? Hoping it might be a little quieter than last time. Took about 90 minutes just to get through immigration last trip.
From touchdown to getting to my USA transfer it took around 30 minutes. A little more if I get the red light and get a finger in an uncomfortable place (not like the back of a volkswagon!)