We are now officially booked, Oct 27-Nov 5, our third trip but first Halloween!!! The of countdown begins.
Missed going to TTR in March and seeing you both. So glad to see you will be coming for Halloween. It was so much fun lat year! Kim and Korrie better get booking!!
Don't worry we will be there. I'm just a procrastinator about booking. Just waiting until the prices go up.
getting really excited for halloween and its barely summer!!! havent been during this time but from reports and pics. looks to be a blast!! alot of folks we havent met yet, and hopefully some we have will be there during our trip. bought a new dress for white night, but still dont know about a costume!! thinking hard. will come up with something im sure. also cant wait for theme nights to be aranged. have many been discused?
I think we should get Kim and Kory, Kim and Brian, and Kim and Bruce together for a picture during halloween... and the 3 Kims.. lol