I'm with lcp1102 Ready to do a little drinking and a LOT of partying!!! 5 year anniversary is gonna be awesome and couldn't think of a better place to celebrate :headbanger:
OK, forgive me for not knowing how things usually work in October... we have been a part of the June Junkies and they organize theme nights for the entire month with several toy exchanges, etc.... It appears that Octoberbreast is for the first part of October. How about those of us coming the later part of the month? It looks like lots of us are there the last week of the month leading up to Halloween. Do any repeat offenders during this time frame organize events like this?
Make it October 16 th jon.qe will be there till 26 th.sorry cant make the August date just too many things going on kids going to school and college hope tosee u & stacia again.Adam &Terri:lurking:I.