Greetings TTR Friends, There are always questions about calling home while at Adult Disneyland without giving out the phone number to the resort. If you are a Verizon Wireless customer, they now have a plan that is only $15 to add to your existing plan, which allows for international calling if you have an international phone. What does it mean to have an international phone, well - I don't know exactly :doh:, but I know my husband & I both have one (unknowingly). They are Droid Razr Max & Note 2. I think it just means that you have a newer smartphone. (??) But don't quote me on that. Call Verizon and ask yourself. Here is the link to the plan: Add Canada & Mexico » Your Business Guide from Verizon Wireless We will be shutting our data off to avoid outrageous charges before we leave the states. This plan includes 1000 minutes and unlimited texts (including pictures). :ladiesman1: Another cool thing is, we have it set up to automatically start this plan the day before we leave and end at the end of the next month (for the ease of keeping things clean on our bill). Just thought I would be a good neighbor and share what we found out today. :aktion069: Have a great trip and can't wait to see my June Junkies in a few short days! ~Jill~
We did this last year and yes, it works out great. The other good part is call and cancel it when you get back and they just pro-rate you. Last year it cost us about $6 total for the prorated time we were at TTR. The other thing to consider is also have your text messaging blocked...otherwise you will get charged for international text messaging if any of your family or friends text you..even if you don't text them.
This Verizon plan is only for calling to Mexico from the US. Just tried to set it up and found that out. The only plan Verizon has for calling from Mexico is $3.95 a month and $2.49 per minute for calls made.
When I tried this plan, it wasn't compatible with my phone. So this may be the problem with some people trying to use it. I have an iphone and without the SIM card international rates work differently. I upgraded my data so I can email in case of emergency, and I have a calling card if need be. For the most part, I have just said "leave me the F alone, I am on vacation. Cheers" ~Shawna
I called verizon wireless and you can only do this if you have the share everything plan. So, if you still have the unlimited data on one of your phone you will be unable to get this plan and its like .99 cents a min to call home. Which I think is BS
You would think that with the prices we are paying, and it being such a nice resort, that they would offer free wifi....we had free wi fi last year at Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort in Jamaica...and that is probably a lesser resort than TTR...
Like I said - I would advise everyone to call and inquire about their exact situation. We do have share everything plan and 3 phone lines on ours, so the unlimited texting and 1000 minutes calling from or to Mexico works with our plan. If we get down there and were mislead - heads will roll. We have always had good customer service with them, so I am not too worried. We asked the customer service representative the same questions over and over to ease our minds, asked hypotheticals and determined that since we have her name and employee number to back us up, if something goes awry, then we will be fine. I hope it works for those of you who want it! ~Jill~