Hey June Junkies!!!!!! I know some of you will be there today - HAVE FUN!! Those of us left behind for now, double check your packing list!!! The month of June is going to be a 30 day PARTY. Dawn
excited So, I talked Tim into doubled checked everything Thurday, It took him 5 min. to figure out I was tease him. I went night by night putting on each outfit and then made him pack it. So we are Packed. Thanks to Joe and Tara he almost forgot my best outfit The AIWC whipped-cream. I cant wait for this party.
Modeling the outfits are part of the fun! We did the same thing. Curtis definitely has his favorites to see me in!
hot summer The is going to be a hot summer and the June junkies are raising the temp. The way It looks we are putting the HOT into the hot-tub this JUNE.
Considering the 55 degrees and never-ending lines of thunderstorms going through the midwest, we are SOOOOOOOO ready for this vacation. But without any base tans, we're going to burn like lobsters, even WITH strong sunscreen.
Express check-in: Complete. Outfits: Complete, and in the process of being packed. All we have to do is get through 3 more workdays...and then the fun starts!