Chip- That is hysterical. I love that formula! I was laughing my ass off as Brent was reading it to me. Can't wait to see you and Pascal again in Oct! -April
Chip...Now that you have caught up on this thread, I am sure you saw all the group questions and corresponding answers. Now that you know so much about us, the spotlight is now on you. No pressure! Ages? Occupations? Vanilla, Swayers, or Swingers? How many times a week do you have sex? (To be answered by Pascale Sp???) Are Pascale's breasts the real deal or enhanced? How did you find out about CancunCare? How did you learn about TTR and what were your first thoughts as you approached the sexy pool? How big is your penis? (Not previously asked, but April wants to know) These are just the questions I can remember. If I am missing anything of significance then I am sure the other Octoberbreasters will weigh in. Any theme nights ideas are welcome. Brent
Scoring...there, I said it! Yeah...I'm thinking about just going rogue on permanent vacation for a year or two...there is another scoring system, but it resembles professional bull riding meets MMA, and is know to be hard on (oops!) mattresses, tile floors and knee caps, and has a subjective olympic style judging component that can be hard (again!) to keep the judges focused on the business (sh*t!) at hand... Party On people, lots to see here
ahhhh....OK, here's a start 46...both of us, but we look younger LOL Secretly self employed in the dark world of Real Estate and private equity. What's a "Swayer"...I always just call it a "great party" You mean both of us together? I will have to get back to you... Real... Some chick used CCC as an intro line at P-O...I was like, "what?, it sounds like a charity" met other folks at "adult themed" resorts that had been to TTR "This looks just like our pool in summer after all the neighbors have 3-4 bloody mary's" It's about ^%$ inches, or $%# CM if you prefer metric...LOL Tell her that was me last week when she was blindfolded, LOL... I will let P throw in her 2 cents...
perhaps, but I know guys that have to tape it to their inner thigh when they exercise, and that just seems like an annoyance to would be cool if you could only "supersize it" for partys though, lol Speaking of breast augmentation, I read recently that they are now actually injecting surpluss fat from elsewhere into the breast around the implants to improve "tactility and shape" which we know are both important...anyone have experience with this? maybe we need a new thread called "Personal Upgrades" Anyone? Bueller?