You can all travel to Jersey and get your pre-tan on at our tanning salons. Mention Cancuncare and get half off!!! . Long shot but might as well get a plug in. Haha!
:aktion060:Wish I lived closer...I have spent a little money at my salon lately! Getting ready for the Cancun sun...the past 4 or 5 trips I have pre-tanned and sunblocked and prevented further burning down there! Sooo thankful that I have. Without pre-tanning, I become a lobster! :sauer005: Sure way to ruin a vacation. ~Jill~ Counting down, when I wake up - it will be 28 days :lotsofmichaelfs:
I must pretan otherwise I would blind people with the sun glare off my pasty white skin. All pertanning requires a tanning bed and membership due to the lack of sun in the Pacific Northwest. By the time my trip comes around I am sure the tanning attendants will know my car when I drive up. 24 full days till we leave! -Shawna
Doesn't matter if I pretan or not, I still burn and stay red for a few days then right back to white as a ghost. I'm not sure who's whiter, me or Ellen!! So I guess you'll be able to pick us outta the crowd!!
That Mexico sun is brutal. We live in Florida and are at the beach every weekend and we still end up with a sunburn if we don't use sunblock.
JUNE JUNKIES!!!!! TIME IS NEAR!!! Just touching base with everyone that will be traveling between 14-24th.......REMINDER to bring your extra cash for the 50/50 drawing. Many went away with easy cash last year. Tickets are $10 each (I really don't care how many you buy, but please plan on participating). We will be selling the tickets all afternoon. There will be a sexy lady or handsome hunk drawing for the winner around 4pm at the sexy pool most days. The tickets will be sold the morning of the boobs cruises 17th & 22nd at Paty O's Bar prior to boarding the boat. Don't forget your CASH!! Last year it seemed that the June Junkies received special treatment because of our GOOD behavior and our giving nature. Several hundreds of $ was given to the bartenders at the sexy pool, bartenders at Paty O's, and the Boobs Cruise staff. Let's keep it up June Junkies!!! This is a fun way to show that we appreciate the service we are provided, and somebody ALWAYS gets lucky (if you know what I mean).................. Dawn
Dawn- All us June Junkies need to do this the whole month!! Please explain the rules and we can set this up for the last week of June. Maybe a new thread with the rules. I love the idea but haven't quite gotten the "whole picture" yet.