LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF OCTOBERBREAST (and yes, I use the words 'ladies' and 'gentlemen' loosely here...) With the help of HannahMac, I would like to welcome mcawatts to our Octoberbreast party!!! These are the Canadians that I've been telling you all about - we *finally* got them on CCC! Woop!!!
HannahMac and AFrench you ladies are awesome. Thank you for getting those 2 sexy Canadians on board this crazy train!!! Based on their pics they look like a riot to hang with
lol, alright, alright. Trav has quite the appetite. We average 6 days a week. Some weeks 7. Some weeks 5. But *rarely* less than that. It is quite demanding being Mrs. French, let me tell you that! ;-) However, we do not have the 2 hour marathons like the Macs do. Geez oh pete!!! So, we have increased the frequency, but if we increased the longevity of each session - sheesh, I would be walking like a cowboy most days.
Coree-Ann, I think this is one of my favorite pictures from the trip. This is Coree-Ann's hubby, Mike.