That will look nice, i was merely trying to say that with your body anything will work. Whereas, I wouldn't be able to do it. But hey for a guy my age I am satisfied with who I am. Maybe I'll send that picture to Hannah afterall. Melissa will really want to see this contraption you are speaking of up close and personal.
The problem is I don't ever wear any underwear outside of work and working out and up until 2 months ago I hated wearing anything under my clothes until my wife talked me into these PAPI trunks that feel almost like satin and have this really comfortable cock pocket that displays the "goods"! So I have become spoiled a little and want something that speaks volume!!! Mesh and sheer will do just that!!!
Okay, mancrush is confusing me now. Is it weakening or growing stronger now! Things that make you go hmmmm!
Ill have to take a pic of the "Papi" underwear that I bought him. He has ALWAYS hated to wear underwear and now I have a hard time getting these clean fast enough for him to have them back on, lol. Problem is finding more! I think we found them at tj max so they only had one pair and no where seems to carry similar cuts. The material is nice though.
You may take the pic tonight with me wearing them and then I am turning the lens on you Mrs. Mac and we all know what happens when I take sexy pics of you baby...they are posted to cancuncare!!! LOL.
Quick google search says they sell them at Macys. The ones I bought last weekend at Kohls look very similar. We were shopping for our son and came across them on the clearance rack.
Don't you think you have turned the camera on me enough lately Dear? My album is already starting to feel like a soft porn slide show of my a**! All that's left to showcase are my new additions and while I fully intend to cover them as little as possible while at TTR, I'm not quite sure about breaking Steve's rules quite yet. What do my fellow Octoberbreasters think? Would I get in trouble for breaking such a breakable rule??? Seems like all the cool kids are doing it these days! Lol!