Totally agree with sticking to the types of liquor you are used to and not mixing too many. I have issues with tequila and started questioning our week when I heard all that tequila talk (just kidding). I prefer rum or vodka shots but can handle some whiskey in there. Just SAY NO to tequila! I also find the energy drinks really help hydrate me and my hangovers are not too bad. As for food we typically skip breakfast or lunch. Just never seems to be enough time. And we both lost weight last trip so that was nice. Breakfast buffet is open to noon I think. Lunch buffet doesnt open to 1? I might have that wrong since we never did lunch buffer. Margaritas opens for lunch at noon. So either doing bfast at 10 something or margaritas at 12 something worked well and didnt interfere with the day time events or the party at the pool!
Trust me, noon was not my plan, nobody woke me up! However, I obviously needed it. And a reward is definitely in order for my sweet hubs, he would have gotten it last night if we hadn't both fallen asleep on the couch, lol. Looks like tonight's the night! I am not a very good napper either. However, I will rest, post afternoon sex of course, for a bit before getting ready for dinner. Side Question: Is there a way to make dinner reservations for the week online before we get there or do we have to wait till we get there?
Regarding the 1st day curse, Brent and I are always so excited to get to TTR we start drinking at the airport, then on the plane, then on the ride to TTR. We are in rare form already before we even get into the sexy pool. We keep this up all day and then usually miss dinner but we wake up as Patty O's gets rocking because we have been getting our room right there. It's a good wake up call to start the party again. We've never been sick there as a result of drinking all day and night. I did however throw up at Patty O's one night (I wasn't that drunk at that point) when I ordered shots of tequila for a few of us and they were warm.....which made me totally sick. YUCK. There is nothing worse then warm tequila. Anyway, once that was over, I was ready to party again. LOL. I agree with everyone on the water, food and SNAP. Those are the three keys to success! -April
No online reservations. You used to have to go in the morning and could do three nights at a time. I have heard you can call from your room though. I'm sure Kyle knows and will share.
You're right... He doesn't get hangovers easily. But equally as bad, when he drinks the number of drinks that equal the number of cups he is 'modeling', he gets the HICCUPS. There is *nothing* worse than trying to sleep next to a passed out drunkie who is snoring but still managing to hiccup in between snores. It is *brutal.*. If this happens again, I may need to shack up w one of our new CCC friends for the night... ;-)
Sharing a room can be arranged I'm sure. Just don't ask us because when drunk I snore badly also. I usually go sleep in our guest room on nights when I have had a lot to drink. But we don't have that luxury when on vacation.
We did drops of love so we were able to book reservations as soon as we arrived for the entire week. In talking to others we did hear a little about the new process. Yes, you can call a number between set times. I think it started at 9am instead of the old 10am process where you would wait in line. You could make reservations for that day and 2 days later. Typically if you are reserving for the current day you would either need to eat at 5:30, 6 or 10. Then you would get better times if you were reserving for the next day and even better if reserving for 2 days out. Then the next day you call again and reserve for 2 days from the current day to get the best times for that day. Another option we have which we love to do (dont like to be tied down to a schedule) is visit the restaurant at 6ish and say we have a group of 4,6,8,10 whatever that would like to eat at 8pm. Can you make that happen? Then give him $10 per couple and they always make it happen. Paying an extra $10 to eat where you want, when you want, with who you want is well worth it.