Hmmm.. thought Id give this one a bump up..we might be thinking about showing up for halloween again!.. lol
This will be our first Halloween trip, we usually go mid November. This will be our 5th trip to TTR, from Oct 26th-Nov 4th, then on to Desire Pearl. Just wondering what to expect from the Halloween crew, & when will theme nights be announce. Plus do alot of people get into it, bc in November not many do. We want to get involve with anything and everything.
Halloween last year was huge.. everyone participated. and really great costumes..theme nights were not bad.. I wonder what they will do this year as Halloween lands on lingerie night!
That is awesome news!!!! Maybe we can get the same rooms again. . the one with the hole in the wall. . but. . . . Don't be teasin' us PDG.. . . get our hopes up only to renege.
ya know the possabilities are endless for halloween! looking for costumes for theme night, there are alot of sexy ones that would work!! could really be interesting!! will have to get started.
I somehow have to earn one vacation day back as I only have 4 days left..which would mean only 6 days at TTR.. while its worth it Id like 10 days.. lol.. seems I dont have to convince Bruce.. he was talking about it before we even got home.. lol
Ya, Bruce was talking about joining week 8 to us the night before we left for Nola. So it seems we are planning vacations together. So start planning for NYE
Maybe Bruce is planning all of these trip because he has LOTS of holidays left.. maybe he's going with out me..