Hello All, I've been reading alot of threads on this website and realized that a group of guys coming down there for a bachelor party is not really all that welcomed. we're a group of 28-35 yrs old dudes coming down there for a friend's bachelor party. there are ten of us. we're not big party animals and i don't think we'll be roundy and hitting on the women there but i would like to just be respectful and ask for tips and advice from you guys in the forum so that i may control our guys as to not offend anyone. please give me your feedback. anything is welcomed. i thank you in advance. we're going from may 15-19th btw. any tips you can give would be great. thanks so much.
Respect and attitude is the key Plenty of singles are welcomed with open arms. No one really likes drunk and belligerent people regardless of whether they are single or part of a couple. I would also watch taking pictures of people without asking permission first. Have a blast and enjoy! Scott
Thank you so much Scott. appreciate your advice. i just wanted to make sure we don't offend anyone. and it being our first time, i'm sure there are unwritten codes of conduct we don't know about other than just being respectful, which i'm sure we will be. thanks again very much
My philosophy is treat people the way you want to be treated...and from a sober perspective. Alcohol can make the mild mannered accountant think he is Ron Jeremy (just probably better looking and most likely less hairy though, lol). Boobs Cruise is a must as well
Sorry i'm asking so many question but what is a Boobs Cruise, i keep on seeing it on this forum but have no idea what it is yet. if you have some time, please explain that to me. i'm the guy in charge of all the activities and planning and i don't wanna miss out on anything. thank you much Sir.
there is no such a thing as 10 guys of 28-35 yrs old dudes that won't be rowdy. except for March which is a sausage fest its mostly a v couples resort and with singles that already know some of the couples. you should look into other larger resorts on the strip were you can blend in and not be on securities watch list.
''Groups''of single guys have been discouraged from the CC cruise and redirected to the TTR one and only cruise (resort).
The thing to remember is that your group wont offend anyone unless someone does something offensive. The normal definition of being offensive applies equally at Temptation as it does anywhere else. Unfortunately, we dont take single guys in groups larger than two. Sorry!