To me, music like beauty, is in the eyes and in this case ears of the beholder. It truly doesn't matter what genre moves a persons soul. Everyone has different tastes and the eclectic listener enjoys a range of music from different times and places. I know you understand this as I've listened to many of the tracks you've posted. You too, my friend could put together an amazing playlist for the DJ at the resort. My point is the dance/house music that is played at the sexy pool and at evening events could be mixed up a little more in MHO. I'm sure the DJ, has an approved set list that he works from. Surely his hands are tied to the music style the corporation chose for him to play. Im sure he gets tired of the same old shit day after day. Just wish there was more variety is all.
Welcome to the party! Let me know your first names and dates and I'll add you to the roll call. Jamie
Happy Birthday Dan!!!!! Birthday spankings and shots will be in order when I get there!!! In just four days Phuck ya.. So close but yet so far... :birthday:
Happy Birthday Dan !!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Spanks ??? typical its not my birthday when they are on offer from Mel lolol :bootyshake::azzangel::bootyshake:
Birthday spankings and shots will be in order when I get there!!! In just four days It was my birthday 9 days ago Mel...and I like spankings!
Ok party train. Spankings, shots and NBH's (nude boobie hugs) all around. I am a very lucky girl.. Hell who doesn't love the love around here!?!
Terry it will be good to see you both as well..Hope Hugh is doing well. We will miss Dale and Cheri this trip.