lmao thats too funny! My hubby has been saying the same thing for the past couple days.."liver training". i'd say he has a LOT of training to do since he's been passing out on the couch at 8:30pm for the past 3 nights! Sorry hunny but i think you have a long way to go to party with us pro's! Heather
well i do love my coffee too! we'll have to go to the Italian restaurant one night and have the Mayan Coffee after dinner. i hear its quite the show to watch. Heather
Yes, we start on 14th. We sell tickets from 11-12 usually and then draw a winner about 2pm. Gather everyone up by side of the pool, draw, get a group picture each day at this time, and then the bartenders, start preparing shot after shot after shot for us! Winner usually gets between $100-$150, and bartenders get the other half. Resort staff then takes great care of our June Junkies when they see orange bracelets! Ed