So I have been seeing a lot of comments about VIP wristbands. Can someone please tell me how to go about getting the white band instead of the red one? This is our ( me and 2 other female friends) first time going to TTR so any other hints, info, or new friends will be helpful! thanks
Oh Ok I see....... Oh well I'm sure I will still have a blast! I make the party whereever I go because I'm the lol
Just don't confuse the Orange CCC wirstbands for those the swingers wear, like we did the first day or so.
Wait! tell me more! I must know this story. The swingers have special wristbands? and what happend when you confused them? I so need this laugh right now!
Diva, In our case a little Knowledge is a very dangerous thing.. LOL. My wife and I had thought we read somewhere on this site that the swingers at TTR wore a certain color wirstband. The TTR regular guests wear either red or white. Pretty simple. Well our first day there we got very "intoxicated" and we both remembered that the swingers wore either yellow or orange. I totally forgot about the CCC wirstbands. First trip to the Sexy pool it was "where are all of the CCC folks and Damn there sure are a lot more swingers than we assumed". My wife was amazed that there were so many there and they acted "NORMAL" . I recall telling her "walk where ever you want, just don't bend over, no matter what" LOL. Would hate to be color blind at TTR.
They sell the official orange wristbands on the Boob Cruises but I've read that you can get any orange wrist band from a dollar store until you go on one.
Diva: what had us confused our first day is that a lot of the repeaters have these orange wirst bands that are really "faded". LOL Well, probably more of a substance abuse rather than a vision issue. But what color do the swingers wear?