Holy shit!!!! U suck. Lol. I expect you to be waiting for me at the front desk with a cock tail in your hand. Just saying......:aktion054:
In 5 days from right now we should be checking in at the resort.. I can't wait for the adventure to begin!!!
Oh dear had a party for my birthday yesterday and the last people left today at 5pm it was a great party and a good practice for TTR. cant wait to see my TTR family again and all the new friends :icon_surprised:
:blueshock::blueshock::blueshock::blueshock::blueshock::blueshock::blueshock: might be a man utd player by next season lol:azzangel::azzangel:
U bet Frank Brock arrives same day and Shld be in lobby around 1230... I'll be dble fisting for u both .... If I'm not already belly up in the pool from too many shots... U know how I like my breakfast
Did you all see CHINO'S is back on the Boob's Cruise!!!! This upcoming trip just keeps getting better and better!!! Cant wait to see everyone!!!XOXOXOXO Debbie