Checking in! I'm still alive and will be there June 23-30! Got a new job and working lots of hours, so haven't been on the forum recently.
Snowing and 32 degrees here in Southwest Missouri this morning! June 11 can't get here soon enough!!!! Getting suitcases out today. Since its Cinco dr Mayo tomorrow we are going to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant tonight. Will said he plans to work on his tequila drinking skills and etiquette! He's already a pro!
I might get a Orange t shirt with i am a June Junkie printed on it to wear during the day, although having said that i don't think that there are too many single english guys around the hotel
For those of you that are worried about finding the other June Junkies when you arrive, start off by looking for the orange bands. Most of us are repeat offenders and will be wearing them. You can buy any orange band before the trip to help yourself be identified. The spreadsheet that tntinftw puts together is also helpful. I keep it with me so I know who will be arriving on which day. The spreadsheet also has pics. Please pm your travel info to Thomas and provide your email address and he will add you to the list. We could set up a daily meet and greet. Any thoughts?? Dawn
We are repeat offenders but don't have the bands by the time we found out about this site it was a week before our first trip and all cruises were sold out. . If the cruise on the 12th goes we can get them!! That's 3 days into our trip. So maybe we will buy the bands at a local place. . I (Dave) am horrible with names. But also ok with a daily meet!