8 Freakin days to go! Can't believe it is nearly here. We are counting on all you fellow Temptationees to make this the bestest holiday yet. That means no loud music no drunken antics no late nights no funny business bathing should only be in full length suits no party games no late night skinny dipping no strippers no public lingerie displays no shots definitely no body shots no alcohol infused whipped cream no public displays of affection no cuddling with attitude in public no naked body parts on display Think we have covered most things but feel free to add if we have missed anything. Stick to these simple rules people and I am sure we will all have a thoroughly jolly time :angel2: Why do we get more excited about this holiday than any other? See you in 8 days will & cami
No as Chinos would say "It's the fucking Holiday Inn!!!!" Ok, you made the rules and we will make sure YOU abide by them.... :aktion047: as for the rest of us.... :69: You asked for it Toyota breath! Jamie
OK... another update done.... We're up to 532, almost 100 more than last year!!!! :clappyinghappy: On a personal note, another workpaper and the home inspection done, so we're down to 5 workpapers and a mortgage by a week from today! Jamie