See everyone on Saturday! Final countdown! See everyone on Saturday! Who's buying the first round for us?:aktion069::ernaehrung005:
10 working days left(Okay 10 days that I am supposed to be working!!) Cannot think of anything else but TTR..... After the snow we are to get tonight I am really, really, really needing this Vacation. WHAT HAPPENED TO GLOBAL WARMING????? It is not happening in Colorado this spring. :banghead: Debbie
Lucky lucky lucky you, two more days for me and Kelly's last day was today. We land at 3:30 and hope to be by the pool with a drink in hand by 5:00 so you will be there first so the first rounds are on you..:daveandmo:
178 1/2 hours 'till wheels up! 185 hours 'till wheels down!:icon_razz: 187 hours 'till Hola Pedro! Dos tequilas por favor!!!!!!! :clappyinghappy:
Change in Plans Unfortunately, but fortunately I got a job promotion, so we have to change our dates from May 15-22 To June 5-12, Expedia charged me $1100 to move back 3 weeks, Sucks. Sorry May Role call, but Whats Up June Temptaion'ers
Got all our Free give away stuff in today and our tattoo's.. We are so excited we just wanna be there already!