I'm in vacation mode and it's still 10 days away, how in the hell am I going to function like this at work for that long?? This will be the slowest 10 days and at TTR will be the fastest 10 days..WTF??
Way to make it go really fast - Be working 4 different audits, have 7 different Audit workpapers over 2 of those audits due before you leave, add in applying for a mortage, conducting a home inspection, preparing and packing for vacation, traveling to another state, and having 9 days to get that all done! :aktion047: Oh, and being addicted to this site doesn't help! :ernaehrung015: Calgone take me away! Jamie
Welcome to the site and to the May Madness!!! Let me know your first names and I'll add you to the roll call! An avatar to let us know who to look for would be good too! See you there! Jamie
OK for the friends that will be there on May 22nd would you please remind Tai and David that they will need there passports to get back home. Yes even though they are Georgia Tech grads, they thought that they could go to Cancun without a passports. Pure Genius. Now you guys don't give them a hard time about this, OOOKKK ;-)
Jamie.. I feel ya bro!!! Mark and I am involved in a total kitchen remodel in my house. Last week the kitchen was bare studs and new wiring. This week drywall, sanding and finishing of 8 grand worth of cabinetry. Tonight cabinetry install, still have to get tile, counters, finish paint, appliances in and finished so that when my 78 year old mom shows up to watch my kids while I'm gone can have a functioning kitchen to work with... Holy fuck Batman.. All this at night after working 11 hour days and over the weekend... I leave in 9 days. We will get it done.. But I dont have time to sleep. I'm gonna look like shit from lack of sleep... But hey!!! Vacation beats the living shit out of my normal life.. I need this vacation BAD!!!
Cheers to everyone who says they really need this vacation...I too need this vacay and looking forward to seeing all my old friends again and making a ton of new ones xo See you all may 9th around 3pm or sooner... Someone have a drink ready for me or a stack of shots