our bags aren't packed yet!! It seems to be a never ending process until we are actually out the door!
I finished a Grueling trimester of School last night at 11:38 pm, sitting at a Starbucks. All I can think about is what I'll be doing at 11:38 pm on Wednesday night :aktion031: , watching Tracy parade around in sexy lingerie at Paty O's, getting "loose" :daveandmo: ... Tracy packed her bag last night, I'm packing mine tonight. Forecast for Denver on Wednesday- Snow with a high of 37 degrees. Cancun- 88 degrees. C'mon sexy pool! :lotsofmichaelfs: :musik026:
I gotta grab the suit case and go thru the Hedo box.. Sometime this week.. Then put my outfits in ziplock baggies with the proper accesories. Gotta print off the packing list 12 days!!!!