If you can only remember half of this advice, forget the part about pacing yourself. I understand there is a wheelbarrow to get you back to your room
My girlfriend 4 years ago used the wheelchair after returning from a club shitfaced so bad her body was like trying to help jello walk. It aint pretty... Trust me, Pace yourself
Hey everyone the cat is out of the bag, Dave and Tai are now on the web site as T&D. AKA ' SUMMER DAVE " and " DESTINY " Y'all show them a good time and remember what I said in my first post.
I was looking at their profile and going to say hello and welcome aboard and their profile seems to be jacked up. It pointing to someone elses profile that is from canada.
one week from right now we'll be in the air! Can wait!! :clappyinghappy: :daveandmo: :lotsofmichaelfs:
We got a bunch of singles going with us... We are traveling May 4th thru May 11th... Catch up with us next Saturday!
Omg I am sooooo excited.... I think I posted that several times but the closer it gets the happier I am See everyone there when I get there May 9th!!!! I'll be with my good friends Trychaser/ Tonester and Debbei doo
Yeah, something strange is going on there. We suggested they contact Steve to see if he can fix that.
I know girl!! Only 13 more days for us and I can't hardly contain myself!!! Looking forward to meeting you