13 days of work left for me.. OMG I can't wait until I am at the airport and get that first drink, in the air..
We will still be on the ground. Bloody Mary at 6 AM sitting in first class waiting for every one else to board the plane, then some more in the air.
Your flight sounds about like ours. I think we are scheduled to take off at 5:30am. Sucks getting up that early but it's sure worth it when we get to the resort
Oh Man, 14 more working days for me!! (That is if I make the 14th day I usually have Rectal Blindness the day before) JUST CANT SEE MY A$$ AT WORK!!!! Debbie
Debbie I say the same thing.. Then Thursday night I say "I have so much to do!!!" umm boss.. I'm taking a vacation day
Even though we have to get up at 3:30am.. No worries my friend..We can hang with the best when it comes to TTR Not sure we are at (KELLLY CAT) status that can do this for 2 weeks straight but we will sure try our best
Random... My last post was on page 69!!! Lol Anyways, that's me being 14 yrs old.. Carry on and see everyone in the sexy pool soon for shots