Boobs Cruise Not to jump off the band wagon, but we would like one a little earlier in the week. We leave on the 29th and dont want to spend our last day on the cruise. Sorry to be the party poopers. If one is scheduled on the 24-26, we will be on it . If it ends up on the 28th, no worries and we can't wait to hear everyones stories when yall get back.
ok, i just heard we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow! seriously?! now i know we live in canada and all but come on!..its the middle of April! Now i'll really be spending the whole day dreaming about TTR, the hot weather and the half naked people there! Heather
Oh my - I remember last year's cruise - we needed a day to recover. But this time around we leave at 5am and flying and taking a couple buses to a different state in Mexico ----- How about a June 15th cruise instead with all of you coming in the 14th??
Actually...just found out some friends have decided to come in on the 25th so the 26th would work out perfect for us. That was actually my first choice, but I forgot about them coming in later. I'm all game for the 26th!!
:doh: I think your memory is kind of...well...suffering. I don't remember the agreement completely! ~Jill~
What about us early birds June 7- 13 . This is are first trip and won't to go on a cruise. Seeing all the pic and what not it got to be a blast.
The 26th sounds great! Will be our first time on the Boobs Cruise and can't wait to party with everyone!!
We're thinking the same thing as Tim & Kim...hope there's a Boobs Cruise for us newbies that are coming earlier in the month. Based on the feedback, it sounds like one of the best things to do in Cancun and we don't want to miss it!