And the 17th Boobs Cruise is BOOKED for us and westsiders! Steve updated the reservation site before posting it was open. Wanted to make sure we get off to a good start!
The Boobs Cruise planned for Friday May 17th is now open for deposits. Details at: Cancuncare Boobs Cruise Friday 17th May (provisional)
15 more sleeps ... I'm losing it and its going to be our first trip to TTR. Man i need a vacation. Ready to party :daveandmo:
Day by day we are getting so close to another great party for a week. I am trying to reframe myself but we are so ready for a vacation. Can't wait to see all of our friends we met last yr and also meet new ones too. 16 more days.:aktion033:
Come on People we need 4 more for the May 17th Boobs Cruise to get it confirmed I promise we will NOT BEHAVE!!!:cool014::69::ernaehrung005: Debbie
So with this being my first time... I am a professional photographer/cinematographer and would love to take pictures/video. What are the rules? I don't want to offend/ make anyone angry if I am out shooting. Please let me know..
First try not to get people for your scenery shots. Second, try to only get those that you are with so they know who is taking their picture. Third, if ever in doubt... ASK! And lastly, never share, post or otherwise distribute any picture the if it was a family member in it and you wouldn't want it on the front page of your local newspaper. Taking pictures is fine as long as you respect your subjects. Jamie
Sounds good, thanks for the info. I am all about having a good time and showing the utmost respect for those around me.
And if by chance you happen to take a picture, being a professional and all, that somehow makes me look good, I'll pay good money for it. Jamie