Brandon and Michelle TTR virgins checking in for the 8-15th. Please be gentle he he. Can't wait. O and could someone please explain this "Boobs Cruise"?
Just starting to find my way around this website And got a few pics added Let us know if you will be at temptations from may 2nd til the 16th maybe we can meet and have drinks and party for a bit Jill&Paul
First timers - Guys trip! Looking forward to drinking, eating, and having some fun!!! Our first guys trip in over 2 years, can't wait!
20 more days until we get to live it up.:lotsofmichaelfs: Never thought I'd spend so much money on lingerie, sexy themed outfits, tanning, random cosmetic lasers (didn't even know they existed before we booked),and CFM shoes in such a short amount of time. It'll all be worth it when I get to see the sun shining on Tracy's :flash: at the Sexy Pool... Release the inner freak!!! :icon_eek: