I think I am one of those friendly easy to talk too canadian that will unfortunately having you saying mamma to the toilet bowl. Lol sometimes you'll even here Bonjour back.
Lol ask Glenn he usually takes pics of how I passed out for proof. Lol cause I will swear up and down that there's noway I did that, uh huh.
No worries, guys...a lot of these are tongue-in-cheek. Kind of a "first world problems" kind of thing. :aktion030: Yes, big packs of guys can be intimidating, but other than that let's look at the common thread behind the other problems: We drink too much and do some pretty stupid stuff that's actually pretty hilarious (do beware of the red floor mats of doom, though!) There's a lot of noise...because people are partying, laughing, and talking to their friends all night. There's a lot of nudity and skimpy outfits...I repeat, there's a lot of nudity and skimpy outfits! :icon_biggrin: TTR might have some minor issues, but we love it a lot more than we hate it.
Thanks a bunch....we are looking forward to a good time....and aren't afraid of the lots of nudity and skimpy outfits, I repeat the lots of nudity and skimpy outfits. :wave:
Wait...this is a PARTY RESORT? I told my damn travel agent I wanted to stay at a MEDITATION RETREAT - cripes, doesn't anyone even listen anymore???!!!
Slicing the bottom of our feet open on a sharp edge of the tile in the pool. It happen to both my hubby and I on our last trip. Booooooo!
Staff were waiting for couples already checked-in in the lobby in the morning and hand out flyers with "Free upgrade to Desire"and slip the same ones under the room doors in the evening. My friends who were booked in for 3 weeks got that 3 times in less than a week. Most couples "jumped" on the opportunity to run away from the singles guys and poor service. Obviously the singles group were rude and cheap so the staff was,how to put it nicely, unhappy and it was hard to get a smile out of them or even good service.