So we are in slight freak out mode right now. Slowly coming off the ledge. Just found out via facebook jens conservative cousin who lives next door to her dad is going to TTR the exact same week we are. Her cousin has no idea what the place is like. A new boyfriend is taking her for free. She is very conservative/religious so we are fearful that she is in for quite a shock. And that everything gets back to Jens conservative family. It would be different if she was going to TTR to party like the rest of us as then she would probably have the philosophy that what happens at TTR stays at ttr. But instead we imagine a freak out, followed by stories making it home including 'guess who I saw at temptations?' being asked to every relative imaginable. Just curious if anyone else had this 'luck' and how they handled it. I am sure we will be fine after some drinks. Hopeful that maybe she isn't as conservative as we think she is but that is a really big long shot. We will not let it effect our fun, just sucks we will have to deal with any repercussions when we get home.
How conservative/religious can she be if she is going with a boyfriend? If I were in your shoes, I would probably look for the cousin, pull her aside, and let it be known that whatever happens at TTR better fucking stay at TTR. She may be as worried as you.
Chances are she'll never venture from the quiet pool and she'll never know what you get up to! :daisy:
She might surprise you. In everyday life I'm a quiet conservative person (but not religious anymore). People I work and socialise with would not guess in a million years the type of place I holiday each year. Besides, nothing that goes down at TTR is really that bad, it's all in good taste! If on arrival if it looks like she does have a problem, politely steer her towards the quiet pool or the quiet pool side of the beach, I'm sure she'll be happier there. Our first trip was with relatives. In everyday life they are pretty wild so I thought they'd fit right in at TTR, but surprisingly they felt out of their depth and did not want to join in. We let them get on with it at the quiet pool and got stuck right in at the sexy pool!
This was always discussed at Hedo/Breezes. I don't recall any family members causing problems, but Co-Workers and friends certainly did. Its a big world, but yep , these run-ins do occur. I wouldn't really care, but my wife (a school teacher), would be "on edge" the whole time. You can always pretend to be just as shocked as she is !!!! Just tell her you're around a bunch of "Europeans" and topless is normal for them!!! At least, you know ahead of time !!! Suppose you just turned around and there she was and you still had whipped cream on your chin !!!
yep spoken like a true utahn!!! if you arent on a mission or married by 12 then going on vac. with a boyfriend already has a stigma! my real friends have been to TTR, people i accociate with would be horrified!!!! the school where i work would think we are all the devil incarnate!!! deff. fel her out to see how she is reacting. send her off for long excursions if she is being snooty!! or just decide that its your life, if they dont like it too fin bad!!!
My first year there I ran into my cousins on lingerie night when I heard my embarrassing family nickname yelled across nice shoes. Luckily this was before I was known as Sock Guy but we both basically said "I don't say sh*t, you don't say sh*t, see you at Christmas!"
May make the motto "Nobody knows you, nobody gives a shit" a bit redundant in your case!! (could be "Somebody knows you and somebody does give a shit!). We hope you can still have a good time and you will not get any grief on your return.
Yeah, the family will not be happy about her going away with a boyfriend on vacation and we fully expect to be asked to check up on her once they realize we are going to be in cancun at the same time. She is only 25. Little do they know they should be asking her to check on us Jen felt her out last night to see if she has any idea of what TTR was like. She made some comment like 'ugh. I hear it might be topless. Not excited about that. But the trip is free.' Meanwhile all the wicked weasels ordered for this trip are bottoms only. Oh well. PARTY ON!