Carol, Maybe we can make up for missing each other, I`m thinking of returning for Halloween later this year, will that fit into your schedule??? :beer4: :beer4:
At this time, I can't say for sure. Will depend on my dad's health, it's been quite the ordeal for me to get away for this trip. Therefore I'm going to make this the vacation to never forget! One day my friend, our paths will cross again!
Sorry to hear about your dad Carol. It`s very important to take care of him first and foremost in your life. I wish you both all the best. You are doing the right thing in making this a vacation to never forget. I look forward to our paths crossing in the future! Take care my friend, Malcolm
lingerie Night Question TTR Virgin question. I was looking @ some silk pj pant bottoms for me for lingerie night. Is this ok or are boxers (or less) a requirement for the "casino" that night?
My husband wears the black silk pj pants without a shirt and he has been allowed in. I don't see you having a problem:icon_smile: