Fun fact, yesterday I took the regular bus to work (I had no idea about the new fare), gave the driver 8.50 (the old fare), and he didn't complaint nor comment. Maybe the trick is to play dumb? :icon_neutral:
Please people stop comparing Mexico to the US/Canada; especially if you don't live here and/or make local salaries. I do both, and any increase is a struggle. Try making $251 pesos a day (About $21 usd), which is not the worse salary by far, have to take the bus 4 times a day for work, and THEN tell me if you won't be pissed and worried. The cost this am is down to 9.5 pesos for the HZ and 7 for the city. I hope on Monday the government fries these batards!!!!! I too yesterday in the morning paid only 8.5 pesos. In the afterneoon the driver was NOT having that game. He knew we were already aware.
I didnt know about the increase(hence all the negative press due to it having been done illegally..). I walked inside, gave him my 8.50 and man, the driver went off like mad, grunting and pointing at a tiny sticker behind him, showing 10.50. I calmly asked him to return me my cash as I would rather walk. Nope, "you passed the sensors so I have to charge you". This was my point: No damn notice, until you have already entered the bus, past the so called sensors. I have many friends in Tori's situation, where even a "small" increase can really mess things up. I could laugh it off and say "well, back home in Stockholm, Id pay waaaaaaaay more than that even for just ONE stop", but those comparisons will never fly, as its impossible to compare a monthly salary of US$300 with that of US$4000 per month... Its easier to apply the increased cost in the currency that applies. The "promise" of free buses? I waited 45 mins this AM on Ave Tulum(route R-1) and not one single "free bus" came along. This was during rush hour... Like Tori, I really hope that the Govt will bring some pain to these bastards on Monday.
What is needed here is a municipal transit authority. What we have now is several licensed, private companies running the same routes and competing for the same passengers. As a result, they hurry and cause on average four accidents per day. A rational route system needs to be put in place. Now the routes are long and meandering, making it take forever to get across town.
Another heads up: Seems like there might be a protest Monday morning(didnt hear if they said "starting at 6 or 7am") at the Ceviche(roundabout at Tulum - Coba), aimed at blocking Turicun and Autocar buses. My friend will car-pool, the airport way into the HZ... Tori: Might wanna check out an alternative if you need to be in the HZ in the am. Not sure how long it will go on, or even IF it will ever happen...
That is a cost of living in paradise. Now give me a place the cost of Cancun, the wages of Calgary, a summer neverending with temps in the low 30s and of course a Caribbean sea and beach. Then I'll never leave! You are right though, those on low or fixed incomes need more notice.
Perhaps Donald meant to say $30, and not $300 pesos. Really,it would be about $35-$36 pesos at the current exchange rate. Still quite a bite. Read on. The DF Metro is the best bargain in all of Mexico and not just public transportation. In Mexico (City) a ride on the Metro/Subway is $3 pesos, about $.25 US. Mostly modern trains running underground, ala NYC, where a single ride is $2.50 if you use the Metro prepaid card. $2.75 to buy a one ride ticket. Not sure about DF but in NYC you can get a 7 day or 30 day unlimited ride option for $30 and $112, up from $23 and $85 three years ago.
I am done arguing my points on this topic with people who vacation here once or twice a year. This is a living in forumn and if you can't see our side of the peso, please keep your views to yourself. Stop comparing apples to oranges. Nobody here will agree with you. I left a great salary to live here for reasons that are noones business. I LOVE living here. I do not bitch about my salary ever.... just when assholes are trying to rob the system ILLEGALLY!!!!!
On another fun note, the radio has constant messages saying that the new bus fares are not legal, and that we (the citizens) should not be made fools of. However, the messages say nothing of what they (the government) is doing to help us. In any case, I took a bus to the HZ yesterday (R-2), and it was only 8.50. It was an older bus, and it still had the 8.50 sticker on it. A sign of good things to come?