...once again, always thinking of ourselves! Has anyone asked the "monkey" how he/she feels about this whole thing? Hey, anyone on this website speak "monkey"? LOL
Some of us went double meaning on 'monkey' which I am sure added to the confusion. Sorry, I am giddy getting excited for the April trip. I feel the need for one last silly double meaning comment (too much negativity lately) for those South Park fans but replacing fireman/helmet with monkey/head... My monkey is very magical. Rub his head and he spits in your eye!
I was chatting with the monkey over drinks at Patty O's one evening. He said the tiger cub wasn't what he seems... The story goes like this.... One day he and his best bro the iguana were sitting in a tree smoking a joint when this really stoned chipmunk came along and fell in the river....
Nice that a thread that could have led to a debate about the exploitation of animals for the tourist industry has turned into a string of knob jokes.
Don't "knock" a good "knob" joke... ...better "knob" jokes than "knock, Knock" jokes... OK, Knock, Knock... Who's there? Monkey... Monkey who? Mon-key won't work, that's why I knocked!