Now wait just a minute here. Toga night is still listed for April 19th...I just needed more room so I dropped the "(at least for Big Sexy)" from April 19th. Togas are still on, Matt! Donald, you stay out of are not even at the resort on the 19th lol Jeez, I go out for a couple of hours and the children start squabbling...
Lol.... You know, Big sexy needs to stand his ground, lol. But thanks for the clarification. Just for that, your first drink is on me... I uh mean I'll get you taken care of, uh damn I mean I'll make sure you're satisfied, damn this isn't coming out right at all, ;-)
I think that is a direct reference to your ability to hide Jessica under your toga, Matt. :icon_mrgreen:
Oops...thought you arrived on the 20th! Well then you and Matt are just going to have to try to play nicey-nicey on White Night.