Five day birthday, Thats the kind of birthday i like and as My birthday is on the 6th may I can still celebrate it on the 11th on the day i arrive so will be both our birthdays!!! :wink3:
Welcome to the fun! What are your fisrt names and when you get an avatar up, I'll add that too so we know who to look for! Jamie
Wow! Hi all. Went quiet for a little while there cos we are recovering from a visit from hothertscpl last weekend :bowdown: This Roll call seemed very chatty this year so I checked back on May 2012 roll call...there were 12 pages of chat by this date. We are up to 36 pages already this year. What a great group we are going to have. :aktion030: A big thanks again to Jamie for his tireless efforts to keep us all in the loop :bowdown:
Hey we are the ones recovering from the weekend lol what a weekend it was. Did you see i put a song in the music you like thread? :musik001:
my may crew I have to leave you guys, due to crazy work schedule I had to reschedule our trip for June 23rd thru June 30th , sad but hell at least I still get to revisit TTR in June