Names & Faces How about some Names & Faces so we know who is coming to the Partyartytime:artyhorn: guys, we are not bad remembering Names & Faces but give us a chance Lol :icon_biggrin:
:cheerleaders: Hi Glenn & Penny having a little fun with the names just joking Lol hope you dont mind, we will meet you and your friends for drinks :ernaehrung005: when you get there :icon_biggrin:. will you be adding a picture?
mild then wild We'll be at TTR 6/10-6/13 (wild) after spending 3 nights south of Cancun catching up on some rest (mild). This is our 3rd trip, although it was BBG the first 2 trips. So, yeah, we're technically TTR virgins. :angel2: Looking forward to catching up with some friends to help us with that problem. lol xoxooxxo Liv & Ren