haha no doubt! I say 10 mins tops! BUT... I think they should do another boat side by side! Double the money they make but can you imagine the party? There would be mooning wars back and forth.... Seeing which boat has the better booty shakers..... which boat gives the best lower body shots! lol :huepfen021:
And....... I think we have all the theme night outfits ready. The credit card just took a big hit, but can never complain when you add to your kinky outfit collection!
Don't know if anyone has rechecked their booking prices yet (Just for the hell of it), but ours have gone up over $1500 since we booked last August. Glad our's is locked in!! :clappyinghappy: :headbanger:
30 days to go for us to get back to paradise! The wife left this morning to TTR with 3 of her GFs from work for a girls trip.She works so hard and really deserves this trip.I just hope they dont consume all the alcohol for our April trip..LOL