yes..the more guys you let play with your boobs the better they get! we call it the Bless-ed Temptation Miracle .....and it requires an annual pilgrimage.
I think that is part of the reason but I think its more linked to women having unrealistic expectations and either going to big. If you are 5'1 and 110 pounds 36 DD probably is not going to look right. So i think you need to go perportionate. But I have always heard that whatever size you want to go that is realistic you should go one size larger.
another one. The guy or girl who sit there and talk about being in marathons or body building contest and how they work out so much when they are clearly 20-40lbs out of shape.
I'd add ALL the people 40 lbs out of shape to the list.....not just the one's who brag about working out