From what I gather, its a sensual massage given to each party, but they never touch the naughty bits... then they slide the beds together, and they place your hands on each others bodies... Then, when the massage is done, they leave the room and give you some alone time.. :mnm: We didn't get one last time... We WILL be getting one this time.
Just as a "friendly service reminder" for anyone bringing AIWC make sure when you pack it that you place each can in it's own large Ziplock bag. That way there is room for expansion if it does leak. We've been fortunate not to have any leak while packed BUT did have a can of orange AIWC spring a leak in our liquor cabinet. 3 shelves of sticky, orange gooey mess. Not a fun job to clean up and it stains everythiny. Not the surprise you want opening your luggage at the resort - or worse yet trying to explain if you get the "red light" at the airport.
Well lets just say that after we did our massage all I wanted was truly exhausted. It is amazing and a lot of fun. Just be ready to be naked in front of the masseuse. Full frontal
Agreed, bring the snow. I prefer to skip the spring thing. Like to jump right from sledding to boating. Usually get to do both through May, June.
Steve, when are you going to post the dates for the rest of April for the boob cruises, we are leaving for Chile on March 20th until April 2 and don't want to miss the sign up. Life is good, 14 more sleeps to our Chile vacation and 43 more sleeps until Temptations!