On a plane, what about those in front of you that 5 mins after take-off put their seat all the way back for the entire flight? They get a quarter of an inch more lean space which does nothing to aid a restful sleep, whereas you're now struggling to get the TV to angle without giving you a headache and the tray never sits right in the seat-back position. You also feel awful when finally give in and put your seat back too, meaning you're causing exactly the same nightmare to the person behind you too.
Sorry but I'm one of those people who do reclines their seat the first chance I get, there is no way I'm sitting straight up for 6hrs in seats that you don't even have enough room to bend over and kiss your ass good bye. Any flight that I've been on they ask you to put your seats in the upright position when they are landing, taking off, or when meals are being served other than then my seat is in the recline postion. However one flight home a very large long legged fellow asked me not to recline my seat, I didn't and was very uncomfortable, and I imagine he was also, I was lucky that my husband switched with me for a bit.
Americans and Canadians who think that I am Australian! I am not this is a London accent yes a London accent we dont all have fake Dick Van dyke fake cockney accents this is what we talk like here. ( but i do like that ladies who like my english accent and seems to make them melt so thats a bonus that makes up for it lol)
That is so true! But be honest - can you tell the difference between an American and a Canadian accent? :daisy:
The tricky one for me is between the Aussies and New Zealanders. As for Canadian/American, yeah definitely harder, it's subtle but there (doesn't apply to Southern Americans or Newfies. Nobody understands a newfie, especially when drinking!
re Canadian versus American accents..... what make it harder is that most Canadians (omit east coasts and french) talk and sound like most Americans on American TV shows and movies.,,,,,but Ive yet to here an American talk like an American on TV shows.
People that are stressed the whole time about work. Or the guys that claim to have had military service and tell people war stories, and I just listen and laugh at the line of BS that is being fed to them. Or the guy that talks about how rich is he and the business he owns. Everybody owns a business and does very it well seems.
My wife gets this this aussie thing where ever we go in the world, she is from (what i call posh) west london,,, However my accent is more like dick van dykes LOL, dont find many ladies melt when i speak LOL
Like Red Green says, "those American's sure say out (oot) and about (aboot) weird"! Heck, I have trouble telling if they're from Canada, Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota or North Dakota (except they say "ya, you betcha") which is a dead give away.:icon_lol:
lol Had this 300lb+ guy who told me he used to test fly F18,, but was now retired and help his friend interview and test women for a Whore house. He then went on to write a review and complained people shunned him cause he was a single male.