Might be controversial this one; People who have their photographs taken with "cute animals", lion cubs etc on a beach in Mexico. Not their natural habitat. :daisy:
Lol I am soooo guilty of bringing on massive carryons. I bring one rolly carry on plus my huge purse(but it also holds my laptop). Ever since the airports starting nickel and diming us further its even more tempting to bring the max amount of carry ons as possible. I rarely use the overhead though. I shove it next to my feet and use it as a foot rest when the stewardess isn't looking. I can't stand people who purposely look for things wrong in the hotel and then post pictures of a little rust, chipped tiles or similar insignificant issues on TripAdvisor. I can't stand when I tell my friends NOT to talk to anyone when exiting aduanas..... and not to talk to ANYONE at the flea market unless they are interested in something. The rule is to act deaf or as though you don't speak the language. I had one friend who was so polite that he said "No. Thank you." to EVERYONE. I swear he said it 200 times in 20 minutes walking through the flea market. They don't understand no. They just want you to buy. DONT TALK TO THEM! lol. I don't have time on vacation to stop and explain to someone that they actually don't have what I need and I'm just truly NOT interested lol. If I was then I would stop. I can't stand the boring people who sit in the corner..... and then after the party is over or after their trip they talk crap about everyone else who was having fun. "Oh look at those whores", etc. We all have different lifestyles and ideas of fun.... no need to rain on someone elses parade... just know what you are getting yourself into before hand! I find it quite comical that some people are so crazy about "the water" in Mexico. lol. I rarely drink water in mexico to begin with. I've brushed my teeth with the purified water in the bathroom sink at the hotel since 2004 and have never had a problem with getting sick. If I got sick, it's because I tried new food and my body wasn't used to it. I've seen people throw hissy fit just because their drinks have an ice cube in it. It's hilarious. lol. I have a very sensitive tummy and have never had issues. The "spray" sun tan lotion bugs me. You lose half of it in the wind and not only that but it takes the paint off of stuff. I used it a few years ago and it took the paint off of my Coach sunglasses! Then people complain when they get burnt from using it, lol. The wind is wearing it for you! Lastly..... Everyone of all skin colors has the organ known as "SKIN". This means it needs to be protected. I also find it comical when people say "Oh I'm dark skinned" or "I'm Italian.... I don't need Sun tan lotion...." and then they whine the rest of their trip because they are burnt to a crisp. lol. Hello equator. This is not the Jersey Shore! <3
exactly! I'm a pretty big girl and I will always go topless AND nude when it's an option! I hate clothes and I don't care whether you are in love with how I look or simply disgusted!
The guy that walks up with his camera, sits at the edge of the pool with his back to us but in front of Jen sunning herself, then pretends to take a picture of himself with us (well jen) in the background. Was known to all as 'creepy surfer dude'. Just get your porn on the Internet creepy surfer dude!