People who sleep in aisle seats and act pissed off when you need to get around them from the middle/window seat to use the bathroom. People who stand in a mob around the boarding area when they are in group 10 or something, stand back and get the fuck out of the way. They won't leave without you! People who bring their kids places and then let them run wild, or be loud and obnoxious - if I don't have my kids with me, I sure as shit do not want to hang out with yours! If I am at Red Robin or some other place like that, ok - but at nice restaurants or at resorts, for the love of God, just because you think your child is adorable no matter what they do, does NOT mean the rest of the world is thinking it is equally as cute - it is god damned fucking annoying as shit! That is why we pretty much go to adult only places anymore! People who go to TTR and then complain about the wild parties or the topless women - just like Steve's Boobs Cruise shirt says, if you don't want to party, don't fucking come! Research the place, there are plenty of ways to figure out what kind of resort it is, and if that is offensive or not personally. There are lots of other resorts in Cancun! I am actually a really nice person, if you don't expect me to love hanging out with your obnoxious kids, if I can get in and out of my shitty plane seat I got stuck with, without feeling like I am imposing, and I can easily board the plane with my group without tripping over you - oh, and if I don't have to listen to uptight complaints about how offended you are at the sexy pool
People who don't spell check their posts... It's "Boarding", not "Bordering" a plane. But otherwise I'm with you on everything else. I basically hate everyone who's not in my circle of friends or family. Good thing I consider everyone my friend when I'm on vacation!
I agree with this one. I hate seeing people receive "fine dining treatment" at the specialty restaurants, and then not tip or tip less than the amount of a fast food happy meal! This is especially true when they watch their server put on a 5 minute show making sexy coffee!
Did a Barcelo on the MR a few years ago full of Senior class high school trips. The worst kids we have ever seen.OMG never again. A- Hole kids and the few parents were worse. But on the bright side, it's how we decided to try TTR,now we can't see going anywhere else.
I'm a pretty peevish person until I start drinking, so I'll post quick then go have some beer....:icon_lol: 1. People at the end of a flight who get up and block the aisles even after the stewards have made numerous pleas to let people with connecting flights off first. 2. Americans in Mexico who complain A) "They should speak English!"B) "They should put those signs in English!" or C) "There's no good TV in English!" 3. People who travel to the south and/or Mexico in June, July, and August then whine about the heat. 4. Americans looking at some of the most fantastic relics of the ancient world complaining that they haven't put an elevator or escalator up the side of the pyramid! (Happened in Tulum. True story.) 5. Americans in Jamaica who buy pot from the "cute" little kids selling it. Those kids' parents make them quit school, and many are killed and injured by cars on those mountain roads every year. 6. Parents who bring their teenagers on spring break then try to act "cool" by getting sloppy drunk with them. (I'm talking to you, neighbor lady whose humiliated kids had to carry your broke a$$ home from Senor Frogs!) --Laura (Todd isn't bothered by anyone!)
Not much bothers me but the one thing that does is when people order drinks rudely with my friends the bartenders. Some people think the louder they are the more service they should get and those same f#$%^ don't tip either and get pissed that the bartenders like me more..