Were getting geared up for our trip this fall and admittedly other people are important to the trip but are also the thing that gets the wife and I most frustrated. Here is a list of types of people that bug the chit out of us. Any other examples please add. 1. Going to have to start at the airport. What kills us is the amount of people that act like they have never flown before. The security check points to bordering the plane. And if you havent its pretty easy follow the follow the signs and follow the crown. People get so surpised come security check time, when they have to drag out everything, what makes you so surprised as you sat in line for the last 30mins and watched people do it in front of you, plus the people shouting what to do and the signs. Bordering, first class got it, but yes you mr last row guy that feels he needs to be first on the plane, like the plane leaves when you get on it. Secondly sorry ladies, but most airlines allows you a check on plus a purse or computer bag. Not one check on, purse the size of a check on, computer bag and some other random bag. I appreciate that you then put it all up top and by the time i get on im stuck with a roll on under my seat cramping my legs for the next 3 hours. Then the people that get up during take off and landing to go to the bathroom. 2. People that do no research their trip first. Always like the older couple who get on a carnival cruise ship and are surprised that there are kids or people go somewhere thinking it was going to be kid friendly and it is not, then its the resorts fault and other vacationers for doing adult things, and everybody must cater to their needs. Or the people that cant be happy do not matter what. They paid for their trip and think somebody should dress them in the morning and are shocked that their brand of ketchup is not on the table. So you book a 4 star resort and are expecting to be catered on like it was a 10 grand trip. Also the people that bring kids and think its everybody elses job to watch and take care of their kids on the beach or at the pool. Foreigners are bad at this and we had issues with french canadians once in DR, think that lines at buffets do not exsist for them. Just a few things I could think of.
- People who go to TTR and expect people/services to make their vacation the best ever instead of joining the party and having the attitude of making the best of everything because they are there!
The only thing that I can think of right now.. is people using the plane restrooms as change rooms.. After 5 - 6 hr flight people need to use the restrooms. But waiting in line for people to change... drives me wild.
Kids: The reason we haven't gone to Vegas for a couple of years. Nothing like being at the quiet hangover pool, having some hair o' the dog while chatting and having some family decide that the fun pool is not for them and they want their kids to splash around with the adults. We love our kids but not while we're on our getaway.
Is this venting Thursday ? People that go in Hurricane season , then complain the staff isn't providing indoor games when there to busy boarding up the windows. People claiming they got food poisoning , after drinking slushy drinks all day, AIWC, and 20 shots of Tequila. This is too easy , will let other people post some.....
People who have to SHOUT at their friends who are stood / sat next to them, so the whole bar/ restaurant/ beach has to listen to their conversation. :daisy:
Yes yes and yes!! I hate how people let their kids run wild in Vegas... Or when we're stumbling around drunk in Vegas at 3am and see people with their children walking the streets of Vegas.. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Believe it or not there is a medical reason for that. Being drunk dampens your sense of hearing. As a result people speak up not realizing they are getting louder!
wow agree with you all totally and whats with the people who clams they got food poisoning within minuets of eating ( nar you just ate to much love). last time i went to cuba some one was moaning how Havana was dirty and full of poor people..........Do theses people not realize the history behind these country and that's why its important to tip