SEXY LINGERIE BLACK FISHNET BRA & SKIRT SET CREOLA FROM OBSESSIVE size S / M | eBay Maybe you'll like this mommabear.
Oh that is cute too! I'm running out of time for Internet shopping. I leave in 20 days and heaven forbid these fun items come in the mail while I'm gone, pops would be thinking I sent him a bride from china and she slipped out of the package. May just have to shop while in Beijing, they make all kinds of kinky...umm I mean sexy stuff there.
Monique...... I found the outfit.. and purchased.... this Kickapoo Canandian is doing the happy dance!!!!!! Now I can finally fall asleep at my desk since I was up most of the night surfing the internet for it.
Oh it's on!!!! I would LOVE to have a group photo of all the girls in footie pajamas. Actually, I'd like to get a shot of the entertainment staff's faces when we all showed up at Nice Shoes that way...then start slowly unzipping the onesies....:aktion025:
thats just too funny!! at least you can have cameras outside of nice shoes!! seeing the confusion, and shock of the staff!!!