ROLL CALL IS AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS THREAD. The boobs crusie dates will be annouce at the end of the month. Just have to watch for it.
Last year when we went for the first time we didn't know what to expect but only about an hour into getting there we were so relaxed we didn't care what we were wearin as long as we had a drink in our hand and we were in the pool. If you need loosing up don't worry I'll just order a bunch of shots and the party will start
Hey Steve I had a couple of questions hope you can clear them up for me... -I'd like to start a thread about... um homemade porn swapping, is that ok on this site? -And how do I start a thread? -Can I upload my movies here? Where on the internet can I do that? -How do I get my pictures from my polaroid on the internet. I hold it up to the screen and that doesn't work, I even tried to shove it in one of the ports and now I have a new computer because the other one broke. Will this one work better? -I'd like to pay for a Boobs Cruise, how do I send money to mexico? Is my credit card safe the number is 945762356376778. This is a secure site right? Oh yeah can you call the hotel and see what booze they have this week. Thanks. -One more thing, I see the forecast is calling for rain. Should I cancel my trip? Couldn't resist!
Already stocking up on supplies , even though we dont get there for another two months. Alcohol Infused whipped Cream, (must have), Gear for theme nights, plenty of Sunscreen, good dancing shoes, and a big Smile , for when I finally walk up to the Sexy pool and order my first round of shots for everyone at the pool!! Cant wait!! April 17 - 29 th.
Sounds like you're not "Iron"-horse-ing around... Remember, that in the absence of a servers tray, an inverted Frisbee makes a great way to serve those shots to the ones you "love"... assuming they're not Body-shots U ordered?!?
TTR has thought of pretty much everything. Don't even need a tray for shots. Their shot glasses are stackable. Coincidentally, they also look a lot like their regular drink glasses.
And I have seen some pretty high stacks of glasses. More than you could possibly hope to carry on a tray