I agree with Sweetchildomine--we don't want to make things stressful and have people worried they're going to miss out on a theme. Having a schedule so people arrive with the things they want packed is good. However, on a vacation, you get to do what you want. So, if you want schoolgirl night and there isn't one planned, just bring the outfit, and there's a really good chance you're going to find others who will join you right there on the spot. This has happened to us twice now. Also, if you aren't interested in the theme of the evening, there's no pressure to participate. In fact, so many people at TTR aren't on this board, "themers" are always the minority, anyway. We love the way the theme nights are laid out and intend to participate--but I'm bringing a lot of extra stuff, anyway, in case pasties and boots night becomes a viable option!
You know, I don't think we should really complain much one way or the other. The previous two times we have been to TTR there weren't themed nights on every one of the nights we were there. It's nice to at least have the option of a bunch of different ones this time around. Doesn't mean we will participate in every one of them. We likely won't. But exactly right. Even if there's not a theme or you don't want to follow suit, there's nothing saying someone can't show up to schoolgirl night wearing a French maid costume. Do what you like. No ones gonna give a damn.
OK I think we have all of our stuff for the themes bought now with the exception of the glow stuff and Kellie's shoes. lingerie night I can already tell is gonna be a HUGE hit! We have been giving some of the outfits "test-runs" before the trip we are so excited.
It's finally in shouting distance! I have one more package coming, and I should be ready. I'm going to have to change a couple times a night to wear everything I'm bringing for this trip!
Yeppers!!! :cheerleaders: Already in the "trying stuff on/out" mode.... yep they work! Hope you all have fun!!!
TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games TTR - REVELATION SHOW- most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish Can anyone give more insight on these two theme nights? Amy doesn't seem to be interested in the dove theme, and I'm curious what the revelation show is all about?
we have only been there once and can't really speak intelligently about the TTR themes other than they don't generally don't have the biggest following with the exception of lingerie night and White night. The white night is supposed to be a "toga party" in a sense, but most everyone just goes in white to PatyO's... white dress, white shirt, white almost nothing :aktion033:. Sorry I can't reall help with the others