Huh? "Obviously terrible if it happened" sounds a lot like "that's a shame if true" to me. TA is not a trustworthy source in general, that's all I was pointing out. I didn't make fun of anyone or disrespect a possibly deceased person. I was not even saying the story was false, but I realize "I'm not buying it" could have sounded that way. There are people who see a thread like that and get a terrible impression based on very limited information. As Steve's comment points out, the actual event may have been quite a bit different than described on TA. I guess this may be one of those times when text-only communication just results in misunderstandings, but "selfish ignorant dick" seems pretty strong in any case. Anyway to get back to the topic, I'm sorry to hear that someone died at the hotel whatever the circumstances.
I feel bad that a lady possible died while having the time of her life but it happens everyday as Steve said in his post. One guy almost died last April when he drank a bottle of absolute alcohol straight like water. A nurse found him all blue at patyo's(lucky for him cause she saved his life) and the staff were a little dumb founded to go get the oxygen tank so we could give him oxygen. He did return to the resort 4 days later alot calmer and more reserved then the prior days. Lots of people pass out in the pool and staff pull them out and I am not surprised that staff was confused being that they are not sure if she is drunk or having a heart attack. Panick sets in when people go down for no reason. Real sorry to hear that the lady died but I always tell people that say" isn't Mexico dangerous." I tell them if I should happen to die on my vacation in Cancun that they should know that I died happy in my happy place. I am trained in CPR and AED and if any of the april addicts go down just know I got your backs. Drunken Monique to the rescue.
a crying shame non the less if true. Lets this be a lesson to you while on vacation..... BUDDY SYSTEM! never go anywhere or do anything without someone else! especially when booze and water are concerned together. We had a single bloke on the BC last year that drank himself into a complete stooper. Wandered off at lunch and was trying to buy weed at some obscure hole in the wall bar. Another patron of the BC noticed him there and helped him back to the boat. After almost falling over board, he passed out on the roof. Then when the cruise was done he managed to find him way to the sexy pool where again, someone from the BC had noticed him face down in on the "wet deck". They woke him and had him escorted off to his room. Things happen and however tragic they may be, it is the consequences we pay for living the way we do and the choice we make. I don't mean that to sound callous and shallow, it is just saying that if it were not from natural causes, she made her choices. If this is true may she rest in peace. BTW... Steve, if this kind of things happens to me while on the BC, I don't want to hear about some sorrowful BS when I am looking down on you all. Have Chinos and Omar pour a cpl of hot rounds of some Captain Morgan or your best Tequila for everybody, have them raise a glass and have the time of your effin lives cuz that is exactly how I would wanna go out!
I agree with sweet child but please try your best to resuscitate me first so I can do it again and again and again... If all else fails, leave me there in peace and keep partying, all I ask is that you toss the odd shot and AI Whip-cream my way. I died a good life, now send me off to the ocean